How to Prepare
How do I study for the Brain Bee?
1. Read through the Brain Facts Book! Questions for the Brain Bee will be obtained The Brain Facts Book, published by the Society for Neuroscience and used in many Brain Bees across the country.
The link to the Brain Facts book is available below (click "The Brain Book").
From this website, you can download a free PDF copy of the book, or can download a free iTunes audio guide.
2. Glance through samples of test questions here.
3. Check out these study guides and practice questions sheet (special thanks to the Brown Brain Bee!)
3. Watch this video about "How to Prepare" from our volunteers who have competed in previous brain bees.

Sample Questions for the Bee
All questions will come from the Brain Facts Book
Here are some sample questions that are similar to those that would appear on the day of the competition (Scroll down for answers!):
1. What is the neurotransmitter that is decreased in patients with Parkinson's Disease? ​
2. What type of glia cell forms myelin?
3. What small group of nerve cells in the hypothalamus is responsible for the circadian timing system?
1. Dopamine
2. Schwann Cells
3. Suprachiasmatic nucleus
Brain Bee Study Guides
Special thanks to Brown Brain Bee for creating these resources!
(Please note: not all the questions on the day of the competition will come from these guides. We highly encourage you to read the Brain Facts Book!)